Video Gallery – 3rd Eye

3rd Eye has you covered.

Call today for comprehensive access control, video surveillance, and live monitoring services 972.4.3RD.EYE (972-437-3393).

We believe in the strength of video evidence. Check out ours!

Here is all the evidence you need to know that 3rd Eye Surveillance can tackle your complex security needs. Here you’ll find videos about:

  • License plate capture
  • Project management
  • Property management
  • Pools
  • Shipping and receiving
  • Guard watch
  • And More!

One of our clients wanted to see his new building being built.

They contacted 3rd Eye to install a High Definition surveillance camera in the area, and this is what we got.

Be sure to click on the "HD" button on the bottom for highest quality.

Here is a video of a blatant theft right under one of our cameras. Just goes to show you thieves really are stupid. Busted!!!!!

Be sure to click on the "HD" button on the bottom for highest quality.

In our over 13 years installing surveillance systems, we've sure covered a lot of pools!

This is a key area for apartment managers and staff. Is you pool covered?

Be sure to click on the "HD" button on the bottom for highest quality.

For all of my apartment managers this is for you!!!!! Without high definition video, the owner of this complex would have paid a $7K bill.

Thanks to 3rd Eye Surveillance the driver's insurance had to and did pay for repairs. There aren't a lot of companies that can provide Identifiable Evidence.

Be sure to click on the "HD" button on the bottom for highest quality. We also included some audio for effects.

Let it snow! This montage of videos captured snow, lots of snow!

Be sure to click on the "HD" button on the bottom for highest quality.

This incident obviously ended peacefully, but there are countless situations that don't.

Make sure you've captured the circumstances on hi-def video!

Be sure to click on the "HD" button on the bottom for highest quality.

Who's watching your shipping and receiving area? Let the 3rd Eye watch it for you!

Be sure to click on the "HD" button on the bottom for highest quality.

Who's watching your guards?

Be sure to click on the "HD" button on the bottom for highest quality.

Cover that main entry, especially if you have a rent-drop box!

Be sure to click on the "HD" button on the bottom for highest quality.


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Here you will find file downloads to assist your security needs!


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3rd Eye Surveillance Systems' technologies are protected by one or more of the following patents: US 6,778,085 B2; US 6,798,344 B2; and US 7,323,980 B2